Hummingbirds are delicate, beautiful creatures that bring joy and wonder to any outdoor space. However, their nectar feeders can quickly become a target for ants, who are also attracted to the sweet liquid. Not only can ants contaminate the nectar, but they can also deter hummingbirds from visiting the feeder altogether. If you’re struggling with ants on your hummingbird feeder, don’t worry – there are several effective ways to keep them off and ensure your feathered friends have a safe and clean feeding station.

Understanding Ant Behavior

Before we dive into ways to keep ants away from your hummingbird feeder, it’s important to understand their behavior. Ants are social insects that constantly search for food sources. They communicate through chemical signals, using pheromones to guide other ants towards food. Once an ant finds a food source, it will leave a trail of pheromones for other ants to follow, creating a steady stream of ants to the food.

When it comes to hummingbird feeders, ants are attracted to the sweet nectar and will do whatever it takes to reach it. This can be problematic as they can contaminate the nectar with their bodies and feces, making it unsafe for hummingbirds to consume. Additionally, the presence of ants around the feeder can deter hummingbirds from visiting, causing them to go hungry and potentially impacting their health. Now that we understand why ants are drawn to hummingbird feeders, let us explore how to keep them off.

Creating Physical Barriers

One effective way to keep ants off hummingbird feeders is by creating a physical barrier that prevents them from accessing the nectar. There are a few different options for this, and each has its pros and cons.

Water Barrier

One popular method is to create a moat, or water barrier, around the feeder. This involves placing a shallow dish of water underneath the feeder, with the feeder’s hanging hook or wire resting on top of it. Ants cannot swim and will not be able to cross the moat, effectively keeping them away from the feeder.


  • Simple and inexpensive
  • Harmless to both ants and birds
  • No need for chemicals or pesticides


  • Requires regular maintenance to ensure water levels are high enough
  • Can attract other insects like mosquitoes if not cleaned regularly
  • May not be effective against large ant colonies

Sticky Barrier

Another physical barrier option is to use a sticky substance like Tanglefoot or petroleum jelly around the feeder’s pole or hanger. These substances trap the ants and prevent them from reaching the nectar. However, it’s essential to make sure that the sticky barrier does not come into contact with the feeder or harm the birds.


  • Easy to apply
  • Long-lasting – only needs to be reapplied when it becomes dirty
  • Can also deter other insects like wasps and bees


  • Can be harmful to birds if they come into contact with it
  • Needs to be applied carefully to avoid contaminating the feeder or harming birds
  • Not as effective against larger ant colonies and may require frequent reapplication

Natural Repellents

If you prefer not to use physical barriers, there are also natural repellents that can keep ants away from hummingbird feeders. These methods involve using substances that ants dislike, causing them to stay away from the feeder.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a natural insect repellent that can be used to keep ants away from your hummingbird feeder. Simply mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and spray it around the feeder’s base or the area where the ants are entering. The strong scent of peppermint will repel the ants, and it is safe for both hummingbirds and other beneficial insects.


  • Natural and non-toxic
  • Pleasant scent
  • Can also repel other insects like spiders and aphids


  • Needs to be reapplied regularly as the scent will fade over time
  • May not be as effective against larger ant colonies


Cinnamon is another natural repellent that ants dislike. Sprinkling ground cinnamon around the base of the feeder or along ant trails can help deter them from reaching the nectar. You can also mix cinnamon with water to create a spray and apply it directly onto the feeder.


  • Safe and non-toxic
  • Easy to find and use
  • Can also be used as a natural fungicide in case of mold growth on the feeder


  • Needs to be reapplied regularly
  • May not be as effective against large ant colonies
  • Can be messy and difficult to clean up if spilled

Proper Feeder Maintenance

In addition to using barriers and repellents, proper maintenance of your hummingbird feeder is crucial in keeping ants away. Here are some tips to ensure your feeder stays ant-free:

  • Regularly clean and refill the feeder: Dirty feeders with old, spoiled nectar are more likely to attract ants. Be sure to clean the feeder with hot water and soap every time you refill it.
  • Use an ant moat: If your feeder does not have a built-in moat, you can purchase one separately and attach it to the feeder’s hanger.
  • Move the feeder: If you notice ants consistently finding their way to your feeder, try moving it to a different location. This can disrupt their pheromone trail and make it harder for them to find the feeder.
  • Remove nearby food sources: Ants will be less likely to target your feeder if there are no other food sources nearby. Keep your outdoor space clean and free of spills, crumbs, or other sweet substances that may attract ants.
  • Check for leaks: Make sure your feeder is not leaking as this can also attract ants. Check all the feeder’s parts regularly and replace any damaged or worn-out components.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if there are already ants on my hummingbird feeder?

If you notice ants on your feeder, it’s essential to act quickly to prevent them from contaminating the nectar. You can use a paper towel or cotton swab dipped in white vinegar to wipe away the ants on the feeder. This will remove their pheromone trail and discourage other ants from following.

Are there any plants or flowers that repel ants?

Yes, several plants have natural repellent properties that can keep ants away. These include mint, lavender, sage, and citrus plants. Planting these around your feeder may help deter ants from reaching it.

Can I use pesticides to get rid of ants on my feeder?

It is not recommended to use pesticides near hummingbird feeders as they can be harmful to both birds and beneficial insects. It’s best to use natural methods to keep ants away from your feeder.

How often should I clean my hummingbird feeder?

Hummingbird feeders should be cleaned at least once a week, more often if the weather is hot or if there is a lot of activity at the feeder. Regular cleaning prevents mold and bacteria growth, which can also attract ants.

Will ant traps work to keep ants off hummingbird feeders?

Ant traps use poisoned bait to kill ants, which can be harmful to other animals and insects. They may also attract more ants to your feeder once the initial colony is eliminated. It’s best to avoid using ant traps near hummingbird feeders.


Ants on hummingbird feeders can be a nuisance, but there are many effective ways to keep them away. Whether you choose to use physical barriers, natural repellents, or proper feeder maintenance, it’s essential to act quickly to prevent ant infestations and keep your feathered friends safe and happy. By understanding ant behavior and implementing these strategies, you can create a peaceful and clean feeding station for hummingbirds to enjoy.


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